Monday, 28 April 2014

Green dress

                // jacket-/ Giles/,  dress-/ sh/,  glasses-/ Topshop/,  bag- / Claire's/, , necklace-/ Bay //

Today's set is a play with primary colours. There is energetic green with yellow and fiery orange. You would think that they would clash, however meeting in one set they play the same music.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

April pastels

Spring time for me is a time for wearing pastels. In my wardrobe there is more and more subtle coloured clothes and accessories. Today you can see an example of such a sorbet, delicate look. I am wearing powdery pink jacket, light blue jeans, mint top and grey accessories.
Have a great day everybody!

Saturday, 19 April 2014

The Mousetrap

'' Slepe myszki trzy,  
Spojrz, jak one biegaja.
Pobiegly wszystkie do farmera zony,
Ona ostrym nozem obciela im ogony.
Czy kto widzial w zyciu lub slyszal,
O trzech slepych, malych myszkach? ''

''Three blind mice.
See how they run.
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As three blind mice? ''

Jakis czas temu wybralam sie na West End zeby obejrzec slynna ''Pulapke na myszy'' autorstwa Agathy Christie. Wierna fanka ksiazek Agathy jestem od lat, a ten legendarny spektakl to najdluzej grane przedstawienie w historii angielskiego teatru. Jego premiera odbyla sie w 1952 r, czyli juz ponad 60 lat temu (lol!) i do dzis bawi widzow londynskiego St. Martin's Theatre.

A few days ago I went to St. Martin's Theatre to watch the famous play '' The Mousetrap''  by Agatha Christie. It is the longest running play in the West End.

Akcja rozgrywa sie w ciagu paru zimowych dni w nowo otwartym pensjonacie malzenstwa Davis. Wsrod uwiezionych z powodu sniezycy osob, znajduje sie morderca, ktory pragnie pomscic pewne wdarzenie sprzed paru lat. Morderca, ktory zgladzil juz jedna ''myszke'', nie zawaha sie zagrozic kolejnym...

The play scenery is set in a newly open guest house and amongst the guests is a murderer who already killed one '' mouse'' and he is planning to kill the other two...

... zgodnie z tradycja po kazdym przedstawieniu '' Pulapki'' widzowie sa proszeni, aby nie opowiadali znajomym, jak sztuka sie konczy ;)

The play is known for having a surprising twist at the end of  the play, and the audience is asked not to reveal the murderer once they live the theatre ;)

W swojej biografii A. Christie tak napisala o ''Pulapce na myszy''- '' Podoba si mlodym, podoba sie starym.  W tej sztuce kazdy znajdzie cos dla siebie niezaleznie od wieku i gustu. Jest tu i szczypta humoru i dreszczyk grozy. Akcja wciaga, a jednoczesnie, trudno powiedziec, dokad nas zaprowadzi za pare minut.'' 

 Po obejrzeniu spektaklu  wypada mi jedynie potwierdzic te slowa :)

In her biography Agatha Christie said - '' There is something in the play for everyone, where you can find both thrilling excitement and humour.

After watching the play I would agree with her :)

Ciekawostka jest, ze w 2002r, a wiec 50 lat od premiery- krolowa Elzbieta i jej maz ksiaze Filip zaszczycili swoja obecnoscia St. Martin's Theatre. Krolowa spotkala sie z prawnukami slynnej pisarki oraz  z niektorymi aktorami z pierwszj obsady.

The interesting thing is that in 2002, the queen Elisabeth visited St. Martin's Theatre on the fiftieth anniversary performance

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Mint Wall

    //  jacket, shoes-/ Topshop/,  skirt-/ Joseph/,  glasses,blouse-/ TK Maxx/,  bag-/ vintage/,  belt-/ vintage Moschino  //